Toyota Hybrid Cable Lawsuit Settled in Canada

Toyota Hybrid Cable Lawsuit Settled in Canada
Toyota Canada class action lawsuit settlement alleges cable corrosion leaves vehicles useless.

A Toyota Canada hybrid cable lawsuit settlement has been settled for customers who own certain Lexus Hybrid and Toyota Hybrid vehicles in Canada.

The original Toyota Hybrid cable class action lawsuit included only Toyota RAV4 Hybrids and only in Quebec.

But the corroded hybrid cable lawsuit settlement includes the following vehicles throughout Canada.


  • 2020-2022 Toyota Highlander Hybrid
  • 2019-2022 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid
  • 2021-2022 Toyota RAV4 Prime
  • 2021-2022 Toyota Venza Hybrid
  • 2021-2022 Toyota Sienna Hybrid


  • 2022 Lexus NX350h
  • 2022 Lexus NX450h+

Toyota/Lexus Hybrid Cable Corrosion Extended Warranty (W65 / W66)

The lawsuit settlement includes an extended warranty which applies to high voltage electrical wires that provide power to the rear wheel electric motor generators.

Toyota Hybrid cable settlement calls these wires the “HV Floor Under Wire Harness” and “Rear Traction Motor Generator Cable.”

The hybrid floor wire harness and rear traction motor cable corrosion is covered by the Toyota 3 year/60,000 km warranty and the Lexus 4 year/80,000 km warranty.

According to the cable corrosion settlement, the warranty is extended for repairs relating to excessive corrosion to the wire harness connections at the rear motor generator. The corrosion, which is typically worse in cold weather when road salt is used, can cause a vehicle not to start, or the radio may suffer from static.

The Toyota and Lexus corroded cable warranty is now extended to 8 years from the date of first use or 160,000 km, whichever comes first.

The settlement says a vehicle will be repaired once Toyota has confirmed the excessive cable corrosion and the vehicle mileage/time details.

Toyota Hybrid Cable Corrosion Settlement (Reimbursement)

The Toyota Hybrid cable settlement says customers may be reimbursed if they paid for cable repairs before the extended warranty was available. Reimbursement of “reasonable expenses” is available even if the repair was performed by another dealer or an aftermarket shop.

Lexus and Toyota customers must provide proof showing the cost and payment for hybrid cable repairs.

A Canadian Lexus or Toyota Hybrid customer may also be reimbursed for rental car expenses for the rental period of a maximum 60 days at $45 per day (for Toyota vehicles) or $85 per day (for Lexus vehicles) in case the parts are not available due to a back-order situation.

The Canadian lawyers who represented the plaintiff will receive $700,000.

With questions about the Toyota Hybrid cable settlement, owners should call 888-869-6828. Lexus customers may call 800-265-3987.

The Toyota RAV4 Hybrid and RAV4 Prime cable corrosion lawsuit was filed in the Superior Court for the Province of Quebec District of Montreal: Constantin Sultana v. Toyota Canada Inc.

The plaintiff is represented by Adams Avocat Inc.

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