Apparently, the vast majority of you neither know nor care who Frank Fritz was. Yesterday’s post about him and his death received a minuscule number of views.
It is really impossible for me to know beforehand what posts will resonate with readers. I assumed (you know what happens when you do that) that many people who are interested in cars were fans of American Pickers. I was wrong.
My computer has been acting up for quite some time. One manifestation is that when I email myself photos to be copied to the hard drive and then added to WordPress media, the first time I right click the attachment to save it the computer does nothing but get hung up. I have to hit Ctrl-Alt-Del to get the Task Manager to open, and that takes more than one attempt, and usually after one or two re-opens of Outlook I can save the photo.
This morning, however, it took ten minutes to get the computer to let me save the following photos. Yes, I know I can move the photos directly from my iPhone to my WordPress media, but I like having them stored on my PC. The cynical part of me thinks Microsoft has deliberately sabotaged my computer to get me to subscribe to Office 365 and to upgrade to Windows 11.
I hope you think the effort was worth it.
This photo was taken on Tuesday, October 1. We did not receive much rain during monsoon season, although more than last year, and rain was not in the forecast on that day.
My wonderful wife and I returned from two different places at almost the same time and saw this view. Sadly, while radar indicated that rain was just 3-4 miles away, we did not receive a drop.
This photo was not taken in Arizona. The logo on one of the buildings should reveal the location.
Wow! Una bella machina!
This picture of light snow at our house was taken in January of this year. It’s been a hot summer, but we do–indeed–receive snow up here at almost 3,000 feet in elevation.
That’s all, folks!